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NYPA’s Board Advances Ambitious Environmental Plans by Authorizing PPA’s with ENGIE North America

Date: 10/20/2021

NYPA announced plans to deploy solar and energy storage at public facilities.


In February, New York City and the New York Power Authority (NYPA) announced plans to deploy solar and energy storage at public facilities – including 47 public schools.  Today NYPA’s Board made a significant step to advance plans on this ambitious project by authorizing Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) with ENGIE North America.

The joint project between NYPA and the NYC Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) will generate up to 30 MW of power from rooftop solar arrays on NYC public schools. The portfolio, which includes 6.6 MW of energy storage, will advance New York State’s clean energy targets as outlined in the 2019 Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. It will also help achieve nearly 30 percent of NYC’s goal of implementing 100 MW of solar on City-owned properties by 2025 – part of its commitment to reduce citywide emissions 80 percent by 2050.

ENGIE will design, build, own and operate the solar systems at the NYC DOE sites with construction expected to begin in early 2022. ENGIE is proud to be a partner in this ambitious project to provide clean and sustainable energy. 

NYPA’s Press Release:

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