Power cost performance through your energy strategy with ENGIE

Get more value from your business with ENGIE’s efficiency and cost-reduction programs. With energy experts to help you identify options and realize returns, ENGIE strategically guides customers in prioritizing efficiency projects, developing multi-phase, data-driven solutions that methodically improve bottom-line performance. Whether you’re looking for equipment upgrades, demand management, or onsite generation – for one location or several – ENGIE has the capabilities you need to deliver on cost and carbon targets.
Energy Conservation Measures

Energy Conservation Measures

Take advantage of one of the greatest, low-risk cost reduction opportunities and reduce the need to procure energy altogether with energy conservation measures. Simplify your strategy with an audit by our energy experts to uncover and prioritize opportunities. Improve management of existing equipment and technology and add new solutions to help you meet cost and carbon targets. Measure, monitor, and verify performance with our sophisticated data systems, and avoid capital outlays with our innovative structuring and funding options.

Demand Management

Mitigate unnecessary costs and maximize the economic value of your energy strategy with ENGIE’s demand management capabilities. Gain visibility into site operations, market pricing, and demand signals. Better control operational systems to respond to price, demand, and operational volatility. Realize revenue on untapped opportunities with demand response and other economic programs. And optimize your total energy performance for long-term price reductions with strategies that improve commodity price positions, power factor, and power quality.
Demand Management

Onsite Power Generation & Storage

Manage energy spend and reduce carbon emissions while ensuring the delivery of clean, reliable power to your facility with ENGIE’s distributed generation options, including combined heat and power, onsite solar and storage. Upgrade old infrastructure to become more efficient – and maximize the potential to save from day one with ENGIE-financed solutions and flexible structuring. Benefit by offsetting consumption during peak periods to reduce energy costs and ensure a fixed price for a portion of demand while improving environmental responsibility. Avoid capital outlays with our innovative structuring and funding options.

Commodity Risk Management

Make the most out of your energy strategy by effectively managing market risks in deregulated energy markets.  Bring predictability to costs by aligning on-site generation and energy conservation projects with commodity procurement.  As a provider of natural gas and electricity in many regions, ENGIE’s dual-fuel experts can assess your business drivers, determine operational priorities, understand sustainability preferences, and gauge your risk appetite to build the most cost-effective solution for your business. Learn more.
Commodity Risk Management

Move your efficiency objectives forward with ENGIE

ENGIE is redefining customer value in today’s low-carbon energy landscape, providing the tools and resources you need to get the most out of your energy strategy.  Build the pathway to achieve cost and carbon reduction objectives with ENGIE’s Formula Forward.

Gain the structuring and funding you need to support onsite generation and energy conservation measures with simple on-bill financing through ENGIE Advantage.  Or benefit from structured rates and guaranteed outcomes that remove operational risk with ENGIE’s Energy as a Service.

Formula Forward Whitepaper
ENGIE’s Formula Forward
PDF 300.7 KB
2020 ENGIE Advantage
ENGIE Advantage
PDF 478.23 KB
ENGIE's Energy as a Service
ENGIE’s Energy as a Service
PDF 93.62 KB

Infrastructure Upgrades
Infrastructure Performance
Ensure asset performance, uptime, efficiency, and energy quality.
Infrastructure Performance
Carbon Reductions
Carbon Reductions
Become more environmentally – and fiscally – responsible.
Carbon Reductions